Reasult Projects

The SaaS-platform for real estate developers to produce highly automated, data driven feasibility studies.


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Reasult Projects at a glance

Why spreadsheets aren't a great idea

Is my real estate project feasible? Well, you can find out the hard way through time consuming and complicated spreadsheets, which are prone to errors and clutter your hard drive.

  • Time consuming 
    You will have to spend a lot of time and effort when calculating financial scenario’s for real estate projects in a spreadsheet.
  • Errorprone
    90% of all Excel models with more than 150 rows contain at least one error. Sometimes they are small mistakes, sometimes they are big ones, but they are always painful.
  • Clutter
    Where is the latest version of my spreadsheet? Who even knows which one the latest version is?

Benefits of working with Reasult Projects

    • Save time: check the feasibility of your real estate project – within minutes!
    • Make better decisions: underpin your scenarios with real time market and location data​
    • Stay in control: mitigate risks through automated project and cash flow planning
    • Be organized: say goodbye to cluttered spreadsheets, all calculations in one structured environment
    • No calculation programming skills needed: Reasult projects has all calculation options like Excel, without having to programme them.

Main feasibility features

Costs & revenues

Parallel to adding the construction programme, a first estimation of the costs and revenues is created based on the presets.
Through dynamic filtering, you can slice through the financials of individual objects, groups of objects or categories such as ‘residential’ or ‘retail’.

Since you can easily tweak the displayed information, you can constantly keep an eye on the KPI’s that matter the most.

Cashflow planning

The cashflow planning will be automatically generated by combining the costs & revenues with the planning of the project. Moving forward, you can create further detail to the invoice planning based on your needs.
Through the several planning methods, it is possible to keep the cashflow planning linked to your planning. This results in a dynamic cashflow; as soon as costs, revenues or planning details are edited, the invoice planning will be updated automatically.
It is also possible to plan figures manually if you wish to. Therefore, you can always create an cashflow planning that fits your needs.

Project planning & milestones

The element of time is affecting the cashflow and therefore financial feasibility of a project. In Projects you can therefore create a project planning including milestones to create a corresponding cashflow.
Based on a customizable set of activities and milestone, you can quickly generate a high-over planning for your project. From that point onward, you can create further detail to the planning up until a planning per individual object.

Construction Programme

As a first step to define a project, the construction programme will be entered into the application. It is possible to add all types of real estate to your project through a customizable series of presets. These presets allow for a quick fill of both the construction details as well as the costs & revenues corresponding to that type of real estate.

Market & Location Analysis

  • Explore the map and visualize data layers to find new development opportunities​.
  • Define your preferences and get alerts when new opportunities arise​.
  • Define alerts to monitor interesting areas and get signals about when it is time to act.
  • Investigate the location on several important data points​.
  • Check accessibility, amenities, socio economics conditions for areas of interest.

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