For Valuation Managers
You want to be ‘in control’ of the valuation process. With the advanced calculation model of Reasult Valuation Management you, in the role of internal appraiser, determine in a transparent and uniform manner the market value of your real estate.
Using Reasult’s property valuation management system, you efficiently organize the total valuation process and comply with current laws and regulations. Saving time and money on the valuation process and at the same time gain in-depth knowledge about your real estate portfolio. Creating constant insight in the value drivers of your real estate.
In short: your Real Estate In Control.
- leading valuation management software
- continuous overview of valuation process
- clear separation of roles and responsibilities
- all source data in one place
- structural improvement of your data quality
- automated interfacing with your source systems
- less chance of errors than with spreadsheets
- audit trail on all input and data changes
- meet your accountability requirements